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Today's weather, forecast for Saturday, October 5: Widespread precipitation, thunderstorms in Western and Central Bulgar

Maximum temperatures will reach 30°

Oct 5, 2024 03:00 46

Today's weather, forecast for Saturday, October 5: Widespread precipitation, thunderstorms in Western and Central Bulgar - 1

Precipitation is expected today almost everywhere, more intense and with lightning activity in Western and Central Bulgaria, reported BNT.

In the northwestern regions, the wind will be from the west-northwest and the maximum temperatures will be there
will be around 19° - 20°, in the rest of the country it will remain south-southwest and it will be moderate, temporarily strong, there the temperatures will be from 25° to 30°.

In the evening hours and on the night of Sunday, it will also rain in the eastern regions, including along the Black Sea, where significant amounts are also expected.

The conditions for tourism in the mountains will be bad – with a strong and stormy wind and with precipitation, accompanied in many places by thunder.

It will also be raining and thunderstorms in the Balkans, except for the eastern regions, and temperatures will drop, more significantly in the northwestern parts of the peninsula. The reason – cold atmospheric front.

And on Sunday it will be windy, in many places with precipitation, more intense and with thunderstorms in Eastern and Southern Bulgaria. On Monday, the wind will gradually weaken, the chance of precipitation is small, but the cooling will continue