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US Air Force Secretary Warns of Growing Chinese Threat

Likelihood of Pacific Conflict Raises Amid China's Growing Military Capabilities

Sep 18, 2024 11:40 100

US Air Force Secretary Warns of Growing Chinese Threat  - 1

The US-China War in the Pacific is not imminent, but the threat is growing, US Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall said during a speech at the Aerospace Forces Association convention, reports Business Insider, cited by Focus.

„I am not saying that war in the Pacific is inevitable. It's not. But I'm saying the probability is growing and will continue to grow”, Kendall noted.

He highlighted China's growing military capabilities and intensified military exercises, which he said were aimed at invading and blocking Taiwan. Kendall also recalled China's significant investment in military organizations, capabilities and operational concepts aimed specifically at hindering the ability of the United States and its allies to expand their influence in the Western Pacific.

„I have carefully watched the evolution of China for 15 years. China is not a threat in the future, China is a threat today”, emphasized the Secretary of the US Air Force.

He added that over the past 15 years, he has seen growing concern among countries in the Indo-Pacific region about China's military capabilities and intentions, as China continues to increase its nuclear forces and its ability to operate in cyberspace.

„To prevent conflict, we must be prepared”, Kendall concluded.