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Prof. Georgi Rachev warned: April will be like Baba Marta

End of the boring heat - cooling and rain are coming

Apr 16, 2024 08:21 91

Prof. Georgi Rachev warned: April will be like Baba Marta - 1

„ After the boring weather – warm and dry, a dynamic weather is coming, which will last until next tuesday. There will be rain, there will be wind, and above 1200 meters there will be snow. This is what he warned before “This morning“ on bTV the climatologist Prof. Georgi Rachev.

„April will be like Baba Marta, who this time did not surprise us with anything”, he added and specified that Bulgaria falls in the path of cyclones, which will lead to dynamics.

„There will be places where there will be maybe 50-60 liters per square meter of rain. It will get cold from Wednesday. Already this evening in the westernmost areas it will start to rain. On Saturday, the maximum temperatures will be 20 degrees lower than now and will be in the single digits, he explained.

„There will be a lot of rain tomorrow. In Sofia on Saturday, there is a very high probability that it will rain and be much cooler than 14 degrees. It will rain a lot in the Rilo-Rhodope massif, Rachev explained.

„Yesterday the sea water temperature in Varna and Ahtopol was 17 degrees. We're talking about flip flops. This is a very high water temperature for mid-April. On Thursday, it will start raining along the sea. During the weekend, the temperature of the water will be higher than that of the air”, added the climatologist.

„Today in Veliko Tarnovo, temperatures will reach 30 degrees. From Wednesday, the cold starts, and on Saturday the temperature will drop to 13 degrees. Thunderstorms will develop in Pleven. It is possible that there will be a weak manifestation of town-building activity”, pointed out Prof. Rachev.