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Treatments against insects continue in Sofia

Today, new ones against adult mosquitoes, ticks and rodents are to be carried out

Aug 22, 2024 07:39 91

Treatments against insects continue in Sofia  - 1

The treatments against insects continue in Sofia. This year, they were carried out in March, April, May and June, and new ones against adult mosquitoes, ticks and rodents are due to be carried out today. The first will be in the regions of "Serdika", "Ilinden", and "Slatina". and "Boris garden" park. This was announced by the Metropolitan Municipality on its website, BTA reported.

The municipal administration specified that the activities will be carried out in favorable weather conditions and with mowed grass (for ticks and fleas). Treatments are carried out early in the morning until 10:00, and against mosquitoes – late evening after 20:00.

Treated terrains are marked by contractors in advance with signs for the type of treatment – the preparation used, quarantine period, contractor company and contact phone number, the Municipality explained and added that the treatment of the municipal green areas against ticks must be carried out twice a year.

In their words, when reports are received from citizens about ticks, rodents, fleas, etc. on municipal grounds, the risk areas will be marked and submitted to the contractor for additional treatments. Municipal green areas are processed by assignment from the Metropolitan Municipality and are controlled by the “Green System” Directorate. or the regional administrations. The specialized control will be carried out by experts of the Metropolitan Regional Health Inspectorate.

In June, the areas "Oborishte", "Pancharevo" were treated against mosquitoes and fleas. and "Novi Iskar", as well as in the South Park II and South Park III part parks.