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The group of the PP-DB in Blagoevgrad is disintegrating

Its chairman Vasilisa Pavlova leaves

Aug 22, 2024 09:44 102

The group of the PP-DB in Blagoevgrad is disintegrating  - 1

The chairman of the group of the PP-DB in the local parliament of Blagoevgrad Vasilisa Pavlova leaves the group. She submitted an application to the chairman of the Council of Ministers, Radoslav Taskov, in which she declared her decision and motivated it: “Due to fundamental differences in the understanding of “coalition culture” with the other members of the group“.

Vasilisa Pavlova remains an advisor from the PP-DB coalition, but outside the group, which, due to the lack of a minimum number of three members, disintegrates and ceases to exist. This means that in the future councilors from the coalition lose the right to request an interruption of a session for rest and discussions outside the hall, pointed out "Epicenter".

This happened a day after the municipal councilors from the PP-DB group in the ObS – Blagoevgrad Vanya Cromboa and Antonia Sivikova publicly distanced themselves from the proposal supported by the third member of the group – Vasilisa Pavlova, for an increase in the salaries of the members of the local parliament.

With a statement on social networks, the two declare that the request was not agreed with them and contradicts the basic principles and commitments made to the voters by PP-DB.

Tensions among the three councilors of the coalition have been simmering for a long time, judging by the way the two representatives of PP and Vasilisa Pavlova from DB voted.

„We made it this way so it would reach people faster. We will declare it officially and in the hall, so that the proposal will not be linked as the group's position,” commented to “Struma” Vanya Crombois.

When asked why they are reacting now, and not when the proposal was submitted, immediately after the end of the session of the General Assembly on July 26, she explained that the specific occasion was the proposal by Vasilisa Pavlova, supported by the Social Committee, to provide for 100 BGN 000 to raise councilors' salaries from September 1 until the end of 2024.

Five councilors from different parties have signed the request for a new amount of BGN 1,800 for salaries, these are Vasilisa Pavlova from the PP-DB, Dimitar Urdev from the Agricultural Union “Al. Stamboliyski“, Hristo Mikhalkov from PP “United Farmers”, Martin Hersovski from PP Movement “Georgevden“ and Ana Stoycheva from PP “Svoboda”.

When asked what provoked their worries that the proposal would be accepted as that of the PP-DB group, Vanya Cromboa answered: “ Proposals that concern the budget and finances are also related to conducting politics, so it can't help but affect the other members in our group, and I think that such important issues should be agreed upon, and the fact that it hasn't been done is an internal problem of the group.

We will have to come together, assess and decide how we will proceed in the future,” she said.

When asked if together with A. Sivikova they intend to exclude V. Pavlova from the group, the councilor from PP-DB answered: “ do before the upcoming session. If we make a decision, we will announce it”.