Last news in Fakti

The important news in FAKTI on 23.08.2024

This is clear from his declaration before the KPCONPI

Aug 23, 2024 22:30 181

The important news in FAKTI on 23.08.2024  - 1

Kalin Stoyanov bought 2 Audis, but also had a mortgage and consumer loans

Interior Minister Kalin Stoyanov and his wife Velina bought two Audis last year. The minister also has mortgage and consumer loans.

Who are the possible ministers in the cabinet "Glavchev-2"?

A few days until the outcome of the new official power - Dimitar Glavchev, nominated for a second term as prime minister, is now on the move.

are owned by the oligarchs!

MOES does not have a single dam, but controls the water in 52 dams. These are the largest dams, there is 85% of the country's water resources. The other 6,500 dams have some insignificant amounts. These 52 dams are of national importance. When you go to give water from them, you should also think about next year. The dams are owned by several departments. Three years ago, we left all the dams full, not to produce electricity and give it to private hydropower plants, but to have them as a national resource. This was stated by the former Minister of the Environment and Water, Emil Dimitrov - Revizoro in "Day ON AIR".

A new fire around the villages along the Bulgarian-Turkish border

Again fire around the villages along the Bulgarian-Turkish border. 12 teams of the fire department and foresters are fighting the fire, which is still not under control due to the strong wind.

Experiment with police drug test: Heroin or headache pill?

BNT conducted an experiment in which an active driver suffering from migraine took a regular headache pill and at the same time drove. For this purpose, field tests were purchased from the official importer for Bulgaria, from which the Ministry of the Interior buys the tests with which it tests suspicious drivers on the road.

Political scientist: The party system is exhausted

There is no government that is not formed through pressure from political figures, from economic factors. Both Mrs. Kozhareva's cabinet, and Mr. Glavchev's cabinet, and the next regular cabinet will be a consequence of various factors that put pressure on the people who make decisions about personnel policy.

Slavi Trifonov has more than BGN 8 million . in banks

The leader of "There is such a people" Slavi Trifonov continues to be financially stable according to his declaration before KPCONPI.

Dogan's DPS is looking for the chief prosecutor VIDEO< /p>

Concerned by the recently frequent reports of inspections by the authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (GDBOP), KPK, ADFI, National Revenue Agency of individuals and their families, companies and businesses of members and sympathizers of DPS, as well as municipalities managed by mayors of DPS, we the people's representatives from the authentic DPS without Peevski and group, turned to the acting Prime Minister and the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Bulgaria with a request for an urgent meeting, to call for the use of state institutions for the purpose of intimidation, confrontation and obstruction not to be allowed of freedom of expression. This is stated in a declaration of the DPS of Dogan.

Peevski keeps BGN 997 thousand in cash

Peevski keeps BGN 997 thousand in cash. The co-chairman of "We continue the change" Kiril Petkov turns out to be richer than GERB leader Boyko Borisov. President Rumen Radev has declared BGN 275,000 in bank deposits and another BGN 5,000 in salary cash.


Official Minister of Tourism Evtim Miloshev met with representatives of the hotel and restaurant business, as well as with industry tourism organizations in connection with the provision of compensation for rising electricity prices.

"I am coming with a ready-made solution, as an act of empathy and support for the entire tourism sector, because there is tension," he said before the meeting in the "Sunny Beach" resort complex. the official minister.

A wanted minor mother and her baby were found

A minor girl and her baby were found on Thursday by police in Kyustendil.

Terziev: The to pay BGN 28 million for the preferential cards for public transport

What happens to the compensations from the state with some of the cards we issue? BGN 28 million is the accumulated liability. We actively work with the Ministry of Finance – we have sent a letter in which we have described the problem, what are our expectations for solving this problem, which is not only for Sofia, but for all municipalities. This was stated by the Mayor of the Metropolitan Municipality, Vasil Terziev.

A nurse was found dead in his home in Hisarya after a fire

A nurse was found dead in her home in Hisarya after a fire. Dobrolyubka Todorova is 68 years old, lives alone, with her bolognese, whom she adored, local residents said, writes Blitz.

Ninova kam 4 Ministers: Temporarily stop private hydropower plants - people are miserable without water

„The most urgent problem to be solved at the moment is the lack of water in over 300 settlements. Undoubtedly, the drought is one of the reasons, but far from the only one. There are at least four more:

Borisov to Nankov: You are Niki too, and you like to travel. Team up with Denkov and do something nice

Boyko Borisov changed his shirt to a t-shirt and determined to “shared responsibility” with his political opponents and constructiveness, undertook an inspection of the country's road infrastructure. Specifically – went on the "Ruse-Byala-Veliko Tarnovo" highway, reports

MS: The director of the CIA was not in Bulgaria< /a>

There was no visit of the director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to Bulgaria, the press service of the Council of Ministers announced in response to media inquiries about such a visit.

“In connection with media inquiries as to whether the director of the CIA visited Bulgaria, we inform you that there was no such visit”, the government information service states.

Information has appeared in several Bulgarian media outlets that CIA Director William Burns may have been in Bulgaria this week, as part of an unannounced tour of Southeast Europe.

The CIA director visited Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo between August 21 and 22. Burns met with the leaders of these countries, and his visit to Serbia and Kosovo remained without official confirmation.

„Revival“: The law to is observed, no LGBTI+ propaganda in the Bulgarian school

„Revival“ categorically insists that the law be respected and that no LGBTI+ propaganda be allowed in the Bulgarian school. This is stated in an official position published on the party's Facebook profile.

A day earlier “Vazrazhdane-Varna“ has released a list of the names of teachers and educators who have signed against the amendments to the education law that ban LGBTI+ propaganda in school. This led to sharp reactions from some parties.

From “We continue the change“ stated that next week they will submit a project to change the controversial “definition” in the law on pre-school and school education.

“The adopted amendments to the law on pre-school and school education are “fighting” with a non-existent problem. Not just that, they plant a huge new one. We are convinced that it is not the state's job to enter people's homes and control their private lives and behavior. The state cannot determine what is traditional and what is not – more than 50% of Bulgarians live in family unions without marriage, and raise their children peacefully. Will they be next on lists for people who have “non-traditional cohabitation”?", notes from there.

For their part, the initiators of the changes from “Revival“ emphasized that regardless of the attacks of media, NGOs and politicians, they will not allow LGBTI+ propaganda in the Bulgarian school.

“The school, in addition to education, also has an educational function. The teacher is a fundamental and important part of the educational system, because he daily models the minds of the Bulgarian children with whom he has daily meetings. The full-day form of education makes this contact between the child and the teacher long-lasting. Teachers who openly support LGBTI+ propaganda or oppose a law that prohibits propaganda among children of non-traditional sexual orientation stand against the law. The law is for everyone and “Revival“ insists that it be observed by every single Bulgarian citizen, regardless of his position or public position,”, the party also states.

We remind you that the prohibition of propaganda, promotion or incitement in any way – directly or indirectly, in the education system of ideas and views related to non-traditional sexual orientation and/or determination of gender identity other than biological, was adopted by the Parliament on August 7.

This happened with two readings in one sitting of changes to the Law on preschool and school education, introduced by the parliamentary group of the "Vazrazhdane" party.

Borisov: Kalin was doing very well, why he had to go to the presidency, I don't know (VIDEO)

"Kalin (Stoyanov) was doing very well, why he had to go to the presidency, I don't know. Mr. Petkov told how we chose him, how he interviewed him, and then we both made a commitment that he would remain a minister for a long time. This is what GERB leader Boyko Borisov commented to journalists, quoted by BNT.

Fandakova: To encroach on the dignity of the Bulgarian teacher is a crime

Respecting the rights and dignity of teachers is not just a norm of the law (Art. 219), but a principle on which our educational system rests. Being a teacher is a profession-a vocation. This is the case for the majority of my colleagues. I say this as a teacher, school principal, former minister of education and mayor who was responsible for nearly 200 municipal schools. Infringing on the dignity of the Bulgarian teacher is a crime. I say this to those who report to the prosecutor's office against teachers and call them criminals. This is written on "Facebook" Yordanka Fandakova - current deputy from GERB.

Borisov draws schemes to solve the problem of aridity. Wants shared responsibility with other parties

The leader of GERB Boyko Borisov is in a meeting with the mayor of Veliko Tarnovo Daniel Panov because of the water crisis in the region, reports from