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In the BSP they demand the resignation of Zafirov and Gutsanov and leave the lists en masse

With sharp reactions and angry open letters members of the Executive Bureau of the BSP

Sep 23, 2024 12:48 63

In the BSP they demand the resignation of Zafirov and Gutsanov and leave the lists en masse  - 1

If you have decided to have a scapegoat for current and future failures – i. f. Zafirov is the man. You are correct. Pito – paid. If, however, you have an idea to fight for ideas, honor and morality, it is still not too late to take the first step: download Zafirov, urged the former mayor of Mezdra, MP and member of the IB of the BSP Gennady Sabkov.

With sharp reactions and angry open letters, members of the Executive Bureau of the BSP, deputies, regional chairmen demanded the resignation of the interim leadership of the socialist party. Socialists are massively withdrawing from the lists – the avalanche of leaving is growing.

In Smolyan, the six nominees for people's representatives, led by the regional chairman of the BSP, Emil Humchev, are withdrawing. For the first time in years, the leaves in the Rhodope municipality will be sorted officially from Sofia.

In Haskovo, the socialists leave the party en masse, leaving the ABV leader practically alone. And there, the list will be arranged officially by Sofia. "But we don't know who they will order, they can't find people," commented socialists.

In Vratsa, 9 of the 10 municipalities of the district are not represented in the lists. Four people leave Kyustendil, led by the chairwoman of the BSP youth union, Desislava Razsolkova, who refused to participate in the list, saying that politics is not a place for unprincipled people.

The powerful disintegration continues after yesterday's refusal to participate in the election campaign with the lists arranged by the BSP National Council, declared socialists with a strong majority vote in places such as Dr. Sabina Petkanska in Sliven, Boris Tsvetkov in the $Iskar area“ in Sofia, socialists from the metropolitan area "Mladost", members of the All-Party Control Commission, veterans.

The resignation of Atanas Zafirov and his removal from the list was requested by Gennady Sabkov, former mayor of Mezdra, representative from the “BSP for Bulgaria” in the 50th National Assembly, member of the BSP Executive Bureau.

The People's Representative was adamant that the BSP faces a difficult, important and fateful pre-election campaign, but expressed his concern about the preparations in the Vratsa region: “Atanas Zafirov, who was twice elected as a People's Representative from the region, should know the situation is good. He did nothing before and continues to do nothing now to strengthen and stabilize party structures. Moreover, offended by the loss of personal trust and respect in the area, now in his new role he remains deaf and blind to the opinions and proposals of the municipal party councils.

As a result, according to the former mayor of Mezdra, there is a representative of only one municipality in the lists for the upcoming elections from 10 municipalities of the district.

„Before the elections on June 9 of this year, Zafirov, in his role as deputy–chairman of the BSP, threatened not to provide funding for the campaign, lest we fail. He carried out his threat – did not give a single lev. However, we managed to organize ourselves and, despite his actions and inactions, we elected a representative from the area to the 50th Parliament. Today, as acting president, Zafirov, driven by malice and directed by inappropriate people, has set himself a higher goal: to liquidate the authority and influence of party organizations in the region.

This is how I assess the actions of the i.f. in Vratsa region. I don't know what successes he achieved before in the regions of Burgas, Sliven, Haskovo, Veliko Tarnovo… And now he has assumed a heavy responsibility for the whole country. Does he have strength, courage and will???“, wrote Gennady Sabkov in his open letter.

Here is more from his position:

„Atanas Zafirov probably has many positive qualities, but against the background of malice, greed and hypocrisy, they are not noticeable. Where are the organizational qualities, management skills, coalition culture and diplomacy? Where is the strength, will and confidence? Where is the charm, the charm and the inspiration? I'm stopping. I was daydreaming…

The cards have been dealt. Leaders of lists are defined/distributed - mostly on the basis of economic interests, circles of influence, dependencies and degree of obedience. In the lists themselves there are many honorable and responsible people who deserve respect and support.

Colleagues from the IB and NS of the BSP,

If you decided there should be a scapegoat for current and future failures – i. f. Zafirov is the man. You are correct. Pieto - paid.

If, however, you have an idea to fight for ideas, honor and morality, it is still not too late to take the first step: withdraw Zafirov from all posts and positions and try to minimize the damage done so far.

P. P. Let's not forget that for the current state of the BSP, the entire leadership is to blame and bear moral responsibility. Enough petty calculations and combinations!“